Peresso P. (2019):
The analyst and analysand as citizens in the world, in «The Journal of Analytical Psychology»,
vol.64, (2), p. 168-188.
Abstract (da
Beginning with Jung’s reflections on individuation as a starting point, this article examines the analytic relationship in the context of our current reality. The latter exerts pressures of all sorts that do not favour individuation. Indeed, geopolitical commentators see present-day society as marked globally by excessive self-love that seeks to dominate, at the expense of the other.
Given that such forms of dominance are now also very prevalent in the workplace, this article examines how to help the increasing number of individuals with highly successful professional careers who suffer from this pressure and who then seek analysis. “Progressive movement”, an indicator of and incentive to change, is examined by studying the narrative processes emerging from dream activity – including dreaming with the hands in the sand tray – in the co-transference.
The article highlights how “progressive movement”, founded on narrative competence and on the reflective function, may generate experiences of “realistic hope”. The latter signals the start of an individuation process in the analytic couple and, simultaneously, the transformation of both the analyst and the analysand into good enough “citizens in the world”.